Wooden Based Products

All of our wood coloring patterns within the Kasle Customs products are achieved by hand-selecting unique and interesting wood grains from around the world. Instead of simply staining a lower quality wood to achieve a look, Kasle Customs chose to design something better and higher quality starting with the product itself. There are many beautiful varieites of wood in this world, some have unique colorings and others have unique wood grain features, Kasle Customs lets them shine. Our products are not stained, simply treated with Watch Butcher Block Oil to seal and finish the product upon completion.

When selecting the different varieties there is care taken on selecting complimentary wood grain patterns and colors. From there, Kasle Customs pairs the different woods together creating unique patterns and designing stunning cutting boards, trays, bottle openers, and more that fit the need to be luxurious for entertaining along with being durable for everyday use.

Metal Based Products

Kasle Customs has been practicing the craft of metal work for over 15 years. With training in both construction and theatre design, Kasle Customs developed a keen eye for creating unique fabrications. Some of the metal products are new builds, others are from salvaged items where the metal has been repurposed into unique tables, bed frames and more.

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